Otsego County Demonstration Garden
Corner of Cross St. and Livingston Blvd.Gaylord, MI 49735
Development of the Otsego County Alternative Landscaping Demonstration Garden began in 1997 by removing refuse from an old dump site. Over the last 15 years this 3-acre garden has become a home for many native flowers, butterflies, wetland plants, and wildlife.
The garden was developed to educate the public on the importance of native plants for preserving water quality and supporting ecosystems. The garden also features a home compost demonstration site geared toward educating people on how they can compost kitchen scraps and yard trimmings in their own backyard.
In addition, part of the garden is used by our youth gardening program, Seed to Harvest, to raise produce for the less fortunate in our area.
Several gardens make up the Demonstration Garden including
Songbird Garden
Butterfly Garden
Native Michigan Wildflower Garden
Ground Cover Garden
Perennial Garden
Herb Garden
Rose Garden
Hummingbird Garden
Children’s Garden
Youth Seed to Harvest Garden
Friendship Garden
A model conservation forest with nature trails adjoins the garden. This 16 acre stand of timber is used by the Conservation District to educate the public on the importance of sound forestry practices.