Fall in Gaylord, MI
As fall settles into Gaylord, cooler temps are just around the corner and the trees are putting on their most beautiful show. Scenic drives and color tours are breathtaking and there are many ways to get outside and soak up the season—whether hiking, biking or paddling through peaceful waters. Be sure to swing by the Farmer’s Market and keep an eye out for our local elk!
Top 5 Scenic Fall Vistas
As autumn approaches each year, you can’t help but feel excited seeing the first leaves meld from their usual green state to varying shades of red, orange and gold. It’s those peek-a-boo moments through the lush greenery and the sudden crisp air filling your lungs that truly signal the beginning of fall.
When October finally rolls around, the landscape transforms into an intricate mosaic of colors. Northern Michigan is in its glory during this season…there’s no way around it.

Driving Tours
Gaylord Area Driving Tours
You can’t take a wrong turn in Gaylord in the fall even if you try. Every mile of highway, scenic country road and dirt two track has its own hidden gem for leafers to discover. We’ve come up with two diverse local treks for you to explore the fantastic foliage during your stay!
Our northern tour leads you down a Natural Beauty Road to a designated overlook on Pickerel Lake Road, part of the Pigeon River Country State Forest.
Our northwestern tour features taking the “long way around” to Deadman’s Hill overlook by meandering along country roads bursting with color.
Northern Michigan Driving Tours
With Gaylord’s central location in the heart of northern Michigan, color tours can branch out into any direction!
Tour #1 travels north and west of Gaylord, taking in the scenic drive south of Cross Village, continuing along the Lake Michigan shoreline and winding back along M-32. This rolling and beautiful stretch meanders through hardwoods and forest-lined farmlands.
Tour #2 travels north and east of Gaylord, passing through the pristine woodlands surrounding the Pigeon River State Forest and the shoreline drive along expansive Lake Huron.