Otsego Lake State Park
(989) 732-5485Address:
7136 Old 27 SouthGaylord, MI 49735
Otsego Lake State Park is a charming and popular family park easily accessible to I-75 and Gaylord, “The Alpine Village.” The park is shaded with large oak, maple and pine. It encompasses 62 acres and provides more than a half mile of sandy beach and large sites near or within sight of the lake. Otsego Lake was established as a state park in 1920.
The property was purchased very reasonably from a lumber company who had lumbered it off. In 1935, the Civilian Conservation Crop (CCC) built buildings and made other improvements to the grounds. The remaining CCC buildings are the pavilion in the center of the North Campground and a portion of the South campground toilet building. Two-thirds of the 155 campsites are in the North Campground. The terrain gently rises and the sites overlook the lake. The other one-third are in the South campground and are lower and closer to the lake. The majority of the sites are large, flat and shady.
156 Sites, Facilities, Showers, Electricity, No Dump, Picnic Area, Fishing, Boat Launch
Fish for: walleye, northern pike, muskellunge, perch, small and largemouth bass